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Václav Strnadel

I love when after a workshop I hear “Yeah, now it’s clear. I know what to do!”

“You should teach English and work with people” a friend of mine from Texas told me when I was 17. I gathered all my courage and started teaching. The feeling that I could share knowledge and skills and watch my students grow was difficult to describe.

Later I started my own business in services and international trade. The company was growing and generated promising profits but… When I got an offer to work as a personal development trainer, I knew this was IT. The career I dreamed of.

It has been more than 12 years and I never regretted that decision.

Frank van Bommel

„I care about the human element of success.“

In 2010 Frank took on the role of trainer and training manager for the first time, after jobs in consultancy, project management and business development. Since then, he has worked at B2B and B2C organizations and supported 1.000's of professionals in skills such as people management, customer service, sales, negotiations and interpersonal communication.

He is a certified leadership trainer for both Ken Blanchard and Franklin Covey training programmes. Frank delivers both face-to-face and virtual training, mentoring and coaching in an engaging way to increase competence and confidence.

Adam Hykl

I enjoy seeing people having fun and learning something new at the same time. That's why I embarked on an adventurous journey of a soft skills trainer.

For almost 10 years, I have been involved in the field of international project management. I have been leading a group of project managers for several years as well. I have invested the same amount of time to facilitation of experiential courses aimed at fostering the personal growth. Through experiences, games, and workshops, I help people to discover their strengths and weaknesses, develop their skills, and gently push them beyond their comfort zones. Because that is where the learning begins.

Azteka Adam


Of Pavla and Václav’s experience


Have undergone our workshops

Not even
for a million

Would we change our work


Pavel Pumprla

A professional basketball player, captain of the most successful national team in 2019 World Championship.

An inspirational speaker. An expert in areas of personal development and leadership, author of the Leader’s GPS program.

Karolina Koszalka

Intercultural trainer, consultant and coach. 14 years of experience in conducting intercultural training- over 1000 training days in 20 countries.

Karolina holds MA in Public Relations and is an Erickson Certified Professional Coach. She offers solution- focused coaching. Her motto is "Where the comfort zone ends, the real learning begins".


Therefore, we train and unlock personal potential

We look for hidden treasure in people

Imagine you sailed to an unexplored continent. You feel something amazing is hidden there so you start exploring it with excitement.

Such exploring do we experience with every single team we train. We discover the team’s strengths and look for the most amazing thing: its potential.

Each of us has hidden potential. If we discover and unleash it, we can achieve great things.

We are guides, not lecturers

We have been training for more than 20 years. And we know that the standard “we talk – you sleep” format does not work. Therefore, we have chosen a different approach.

We design games and practical situations, where people learn by doing. We do not lecture, we guide. And we do our best so that everyone leaves our workshops with the desired skills.

Do you want to see what our workshops look like?

Do you know that a well-coordinated team achieves better results than a team full of individual stars?

We will train your team to become a successful company. We have managed to do so in 36 companies.



to become real leaders
A good leader will change team atmosphere.


to cooperate effectively
A truly coordinated team shows better results than a team full of stars.


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